Tel: 011-40044652

Parking Management System

Parking Management System (PMS) is an outcome of innovative technical and financial engineering, as on customer requirement. This will ensure a complete secure system that is relatively simple to use and runs on low hardware overheads. In our final submission of technical and functional specification for customer approval, we accommodate additional user requirement where possible.

Our expert parking management services can transform your parking facilities into business-building assets. When managed well, they produce significant revenue, help you offer differentiating parking solutions to employees, customers, and owners and deliver strong ROI to property owners and investors.
Our business-focused parking management services help them:-
  • Provide differentiating parking offerings to current and potential constituents
  • Maximize and sustain capacity,
  • Create new and repeat business
  • Enhance overall satisfaction among all parkers.

We will work closely and carefully with you to design entrance, exit, rate, and staffing structures that ensure the absolute safety and security, while helping you achieve the best and highest use of your facilities at all times.



  • Security Expertise -we work closely with our clients' security teams and protocols; expertise in surveillance and security technology.
  • Meaningful Reporting - reports that give you instant, real-time insight into staff and financial performance.
  • Accountable On-Site Management - empowered, and rewarded to be immediately responsive and accountable to your needs.
  • Authenticated Access -provides an easy to use interface for use in guard booths and quickly authenticates visitor and staff thus improving gate throughput with the ability to track the attendees by selectively logging information
    from their driver's license at the gate.
  • Restricted Access/Campus Security - Control entry of individuals who are restricted and offers a fully automated security feature allowing you to record Field Investigative reports, incident reports, parking violations, and repeat offenders.
  • Full Parking Solution - You can manage reserved and unreserved parking and automatically invoice with its robust billing
    capabilities thus providing a complete parking sticker management solution.